“RSF” releases Army prisoners of war

The Rapid Support Forces announced the release of all Sudanese Army fighters who were captured recently in the battles west of Sennar state and south of Al-Jazeera state.

Platforms affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces on social media broadcasted a video clip, in which they announced that Commander, Abdul Rahman, known as “Al-Bishi,” decided to release all POWs captured recently in western Sennar and southern Al-Jazeera states’ battle grounds.

The video showed “Al-Bishi” amidst a group of his soldiers sharing a meal with the prisoners, and stating that the released group originally came amongst one of the combating groups.

The Rapid Support Forces accused “Al-Kizan” of creating strife between them and citizens of those regions, adding that they had never been in disagreement before, and pointing out that “Al-Bishi” was able to connect the social fabric of the Blue Nile and Sennar regions, in addition to pardoning all the POWs who were arrested in the battle of “Taiba Al-Galaliya”.

Furthermore, “Al-Bishi” stated that all POWs who came from Sennar and Blue Nile were pardoned “because they are innocent,” and noted that the Rapid Support Forces has constructed a “Hafir” in one of the areas from which these soldiers hail.

“Al-Bishi” added that the Commander of the Rapid Support Forces has granted them power to deal with the POWs, even though they should not be released except with a letter from him. Therefore, he has made the decision to release them, and reaffirmed that they were not ones to blame.

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