The Sudanese Journalists Syndicate condemns
broadcasting offensive statements

The Sudanese Journalists Syndicate condemned the broadcasting of offensive statements on the Sudanese radio, by a former officer in the Security Service.
According to Syndicate’s statement on Sunday, the Sudanese radio broadcasted an interview with a former Security Service officer, who was introduced as an expert.
The statement explained that the former Security Service officer spoke during the interview about one of the social components in eastern Sudan in an inappropriate manner, questioning their Sudanese identity and their rights of belonging to this country.
The Sudanese Journalists Syndicate described the content of the interview as contradicting to the rules and ethics of the profession.
The Syndicate condemned the offensive expressions broadcasted in the interview, and considered them a blatant example of hate speech, the dangers of which the Syndicate has continued to warn about and put forth efforts into combating.
The Syndicate considered the interview to represent a descent into the swamp of hate speech, which the rates of its extention and circulation have increased dramatically since the ongoing war broke out in April last year.
The Sudanese Journalists Syndicate shared that it had monitored several services operating under different banners to incite tribal strife, fan the fire of sedition, and invest in it.
It explained that these services are exploiting the current war conditions without considering the dire consequences for the nation and its unity.
The Syndicate announced their rejection of all forms of hate speech, and warned the press and media institutions in Sudan of the dangers of spreading and adopting hate speech.
The Sudanese Journalists Syndicate urged the press and media institutions to strictly adhere to journalistic work ethics.
The6 demanded an immediate apology from Sudanese radio station on its public broadcast for the offensive statements that should not have been issued in the first place on the nationalist broadcaster.