Community leader: Throughout a year of aerial bombardment

on Darfur only 4 "RSF" members were killed

A community leader in the Darfur region shared that the Sudanese Army since the war broke out on the 15th of April 2023, has launched “238” air strikes on the Darfur and Kordofan regions.

The tribal leader, who preferred to conceal his identity, added to “Assayha” that the army air strikes has managed to kill only “4′ members of the Rapid Support Forces and burned one combat vehicle.

He stressed that the bombing targeted civilians in particular, and thus was the cause of thousands of civilians’ deaths and destroying private residential buildings as well as infrastructure such as; schools, hospitals and governmental buildings. He noted that hundreds of women and children were killed by aerial bombardment.

The tribal leader called on the international community and human rights organizations to adopt the cause of civilians in Darfur and to indict the Sudanese army leaders in the International Criminal Court “ICC” on charges of genocide against the citizens of Darfur.

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