“Asharq Al-Awsat” writer and FFC: Indeed,

this is in the former scriptures!!

Dr.. Mortada Al-Ghali writes… “Asharq Al-Awsat” Writer and FFC: Indeed, this is in the former scriptures!!

The mobilization that the “Asharq Al-Awsat” writer Othman Mirghani applauds in his latest article is a gathering of Al-Bara’ Brigades, Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous Brigades, Al-Kizani Popular Defense recruits, terrorists, prison graduates, and (ISIS)..!!

This is public knowledge, be it to the Sudanese people, regional countries and organizations, as well as to the outside world. That requires no fallacy. It is only possible to add deceived young boys or those forced through intimidation and temptation to that equation..!

If the writer for “Asharq Al-Awsat” wishes to dispute this, the judgement in the matter will be up to what is observed from the neighborhood committees, and the democratic political forces that this man hates, in addition to the reports issued by Sudan, including the objective and unbiased reports published by “Asharq Al-Awsat” newspaper itself from its honest as well as professional correspondents in Sudan. And from the observations and statements of the youth of the revolution that “Asharq Al-Awsat” writer disregards in favor of defending Al-Kizani war..!!

You remember that “Asharq Al-Awsat” writer stated in one of his articles that Yasser Al-Atta enjoys a wide popularity in Sudan..! And that the mobilization campaign received a significant response… he went on to state numerous things along these lines… whilst we thought the man was speaking from a place of ignorance of the current reality in the country… you can surmise from his overall writings and his latest article that this is not the case… for the man harbors a clear _unfounded_ hatred for the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) and the Coordination-body of the Democratic and Civil Forces “TAGADOM”..! Why..?! Only God knows..!!

What did the (FFC) ever do to you?! It’s the same coalition that has tenaciously pursued all possible paths in order to ensure the safety of the transition, to prevent the ignition of war and to reconcile these two adversaries who destroyed Sudan..! Then after the war, what did the (FFC) do other than try to “flirt with the impossible” in order to stop the war and gather the combatants to negotiate to preserve what was left of Sudan and the national army… and in order to return people, displaced as well as refugees to their homes and villages..!

The writer for “Asharq Al-Awsat”, the world (and everyone with a moist liver “living being”) are very much aware of this. It is observed and engraved in the papyrus papers, in the Obelisk of Hammurabi, along the Wailing Wall, in Al-Sinnaria Portico… in the records of the righteous, and in the scriptures of Abraham and Moses…!

What is the reason for this man’s abhorrence for (TAGADOM) and (FFC)..? What is the cause of this outpouring hatred for the civil forces and (polite tolerance) for the murderers and coup forces..?!

It is the chewing gum for Al-Kizan.. As soon as rent prices rise or a dust storm blows over, the obvious reason is (FFC)..!!

Let’s take a moment to peruse the recent article by “Asharq Al-Awsat” writer, entitled “The ever-widening gap between the Army and its opponents,” where he expresses  his astonishment by “the widespread uproar that some people raised when the popular resistance campaigns in support of the army were launched, which were voluntary campaigns in which tens of thousands of citizens participated.”..!!

He is truly the only man who sees the success of the mobilization campaigns even though their inciters acknowledge their failure.. and this is but one of his points of disagreement with the Al-Kizan..!!

The writer states: “The army has repeatedly confirmed that it has learned from the harsh war experience and that there will no longer be weapons outside the control of the State”..!

How is this consistent with the army’s call and the writer’s approval of involving the Armed Movements in the war, in addition to arming civilians, partisans, and Al-Bara’ Brigades..?!

So, in the writer’s opinion, Al-Burhan, Yasser Al-Atta, Kabbashi, and Ibrahim Jaber has learned from the harsh war experience.. and therefore decided to continue the war..!

Asharq Al-Awsat writer quotes similar words from Gabriel Ibrahim… still placing weight to the words of Gabriel Ibrahim, granting him “true renown among posterity” Even though Gabriel Ibrahim himself does not believe what Gabriel Ibrahim says…!!

The writer for “Asharq Al-Awsat” stated that he does not see any real danger posed by arming the public and that it is unlikely it would lead to civil war, stressing that distributing weapons is a normalized occurrence in various experiences around the world..!

This man can hardly mention that the current army leadership is from Al-Kizan.. and he did not once mention (in a perspisuous way) that Al-Kizan are responsible for the creation of the Rapid Support Forces.. He also deliberately overlooks the fact that the authority of Al-Burhan and his government (which the writer bestows with reverence) is a coup authority and an illegitimate government. .!

The writer for “Asharq Al-Awsat” welcomes the involvement of the armed movements in the war and condemns the civil forces that call for ending the war (hence, he is actively advocating against the return of Sudanese people to their homes and the students to their schools, against stopping the killing and destruction, and against the initiatives of the United Nations, IGAD, the Quad, the African Union, as well as neighboring countries… He is standing against the calls of grandmothers, aunts, and all of the good and charitable people who were afflicted by the atrocities of war..!

The writer stated that the most dangerous statement in his opinion is; that the army is the army of Al-Kizan..!

This is a blunder on his part, as people say that the army leaders who are now fighting in it’s name and wreaking havoc and devastation in the country are Kizani leadership “the pens had dried up and the papers had been folded”..!Then the writer attempts to make light of it with a vague and confusing phrase and says: “The army has Islamists in it and some leaders”..!

The writer for “Asharq Al-Awsat” says: “I heard some military personnel, whom I know very well are not affiliated with the Islamists, expressing intense anger at the civilian political forces, especially the Forces of Freedom and Change and (TAGADOM), and launching a sweeping attack on their positions)..!

What are the positions of (FFC) and (TAGADOM) that the military are angry about?

The statement attributed to an anonymous person is the opinion of Professor Othman Mirghani and his unfair stances against the (FFC), which he has failed miserably in hiding throughout his writings on the Sudanese issue..!

The man is happy about Yasser Al-Atta’s attack on the (FFC) and his threat to put their leaders on trial.. The writer states that the attack on them comes due to them being “the political wing of the Rapid Support Forces”…!!

At last we come to the conclusion of what he wants to say… and here the objectivity (is on leave without pay)..!

We are weary of this writer’s bias towards the war, towards Al-Burhan’s coup authority, and Al-Kizani army… but we will not tire of exposing the positions of those who call for the continuation of the war amidst the people of our beloved country… and we will not tire of calling to stop the destruction of the homeland, preserve the lives of its people, and prevent the tear to its fabric and shaking what remains of its pegs..!

“The more we live, the more we see” journalists calling for the continuation of the war in their own country..!!

No to war.. No to war.. No to war.. May the the hands that spread death throughout our country be paralyzed.. Long live the Great December Revolution. Glory and eternity to its righteous martyrs.. and Ramadan Kareem..!

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