RSF decisively confronts “Sharfat Al-Halaween” unruly attackers

Citizens of “Sharfat Al-Halaween” village stated that the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) came to their rescue and confronted their attackers with immediate decisiveness.
A number of villages in Al-Jazeera State witnessed systematic attacks carried out by unruly groups on vehicles covered in mud, alongside armed men on motorcycles.
This particular scene was repeated in a number of villages in what many interpreted as a platant attempt to deliberately embarrass the Rapid Support Forces and distort their image in the eyes of Al-Jazeera village’s citizens, despite the continued efforts made by (RSF) to establish security and leave the affairs of state administration in the capable hands of its people through elected councils.
Leaders from the Rapid Support Forces toured a number of villages that had been raided by the unruly attackers. According to what the citizens of “Sharfat” village reported in their statements; the (RSF) has reached them in a short and appropriate time frame after receiving a report about the attacks and subsequently dealt with the unruly attackers with immediate decisiveness.