Jaafar Hassan: Yasser Al-Atta informed FFC

of Army’s intention to strike RSF before the war

Jaafar Hassan, a leader in the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC), stated that the Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Army, Lt. Gen. Yasser Al-Atta, had indeed notified them in a meeting in 2021 of their intention to launch an attack on the Rapid Support Forces to deliver a fatal blow.

He added, during an intervention in the evening program broadcasted by Al-Jazeera, that they assured Al-Atta of their rejection of any military operation that would enable any party to gain power by force of arms or start a war in the country.

In response to the program presenter, Ahmed Taha’s question regarding Yasser Al-Atta’s recent statements in which he affirmed that all those who has wronged the Army would be legally prosecuted, Jaafar said that Yasser Al-Atta was the first to wrong the Army by instigating the April 15th war.

Jaafar added that Al-Atta continued to deliver hate speech that incites division within the Sudanese society, and added, “If I were a general in the Army, I would’ve stopped Yasser Al-Atta from making such statements that diminishes the status of the Army as well as destroys the social fabric.”

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