SAF establishs training camp for Chadian opposition in “Al-Dabba”

At the request of the governor of the Darfur region, Minni Arcua Minnawi, the Sudanese authorities established a training camp for the Chadian opposition in the city of Al-Dabba, in the northern state, led by Othman Dillo, brother to the late Chadian oppositionist, Yaya Dillo, who was assassinated in clashes inside the city of N’Djamena late last February.
A senior security source in the Sudanese intelligence service said that the Sudanese authorities approved the proposal of the Darfur region governor, Minni Arcua Minnawi, to establish the camps for the Chadian opposition under the guise of Armed Struggle Movements.
The source indicated that officers from the Sudanese Army and the governor of the Darfur region, “Minnawi,” held several meetings, and agreed to appoint “Othman Dillo,” brother to the late Chadian oppositionist, Yaya Dillo, who was assassinated by Chadian Security Forces in N’Djamena, last month. Othman Dillo appeared in a video clip, amidst members of the Sudan Liberation Movement – Minnawi’s faction, following the assassination his brother, threatening the Chadian government with the avengement of his brother’s death.
The source stated: “Othman Dillo, who is considered one of the Chadian military leaders, has formed a military alliance with Minni Arcua Minnawi, head of the SLM/M faction. Maj. Gen. Jamal al-Shaheed and Maj. Gen. Ahmed Abdul-Rahim Shukrat-Allah were assigned to supervise the training camps and provide all necessary needs. While Finance Minister Jibril Ibrahim was directed to provide the necessary support.”
The source confirmed that the Sudanese authorities formed a select military committee, which includes representatives from “Military Intelligence, General Intelligence Service, and military personnel from the Sudan Liberation Movement (Minnawi) faction and the Justice and Equality Movement (Jibril)”, to supervise the training camps.
The source reported thst consultations are ongoing between members of the select military committee, consisting of “Military Intelligence, General Intelligence Service, as well as military personnel from (Minnawi) and (Jibril) Movements” to discuss the selection of a “person” who will serve as a link and carry out research and coordination between the Chadian oppositionist Othman Dillo and the other Chadian opposition factions in addition to supporting parties.
The source added; the committee preferred this person to be chosen from one of the former Sudanese ambassadors to Chad, or from one of the ambassadors of the neighboring African countries with Chad, someone who enjoys great connections and broad relations with the Chadian society, Chadian leaders, and the African neighbourhood.