The niche of literature.. “The painter of the king”
by the novelist and storyteller Siddiq al-Hilou.. What did they say about her

The niche of literature.. “The painter of the king” by the novelist and storyteller Siddiq al-Hilou.. What did they say
about her
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“Win Ma Shi, ZOL .. Yakh khaliyak QA’id Shuya) … whoever has not heard this “sincere student” from a sweet friend, lies if he says that he is from his friends, acquaintances or even neighbors, he is like that in his daily dealings with people, and so are the characters of his novels and stories combined, they gently force you to follow what they say, but in return they do not skimp on you with surprise, you will come out “from them” ecstatic and happy “as bright and gorgeous autumn leaves .. “He told those who ask him for advice .. Write with the nectar of the soul and the stream of amazement.. To glow again .. A novelist and storyteller, a sweet friend, a man from another “dough ” نادرة a rarity .. He’s like an alarm guard, squats his beard and stays still … I swear to God, I haven’t noticed a change in him since I knew him in the mid-nineties .. He is into everything … he writes and throws with what he writes .. And what is in our hands, from what was written, does not represent 10% … he threw the rest and does not remember what was written in it … In” the Queen’s painter “and in other novels, you feel that he is addressing you alone and no one else, as if he is calling you by your name to say this to you, a few days ago, Sudanese and Arab writers and critics celebrated the King’s painter through the Cairo Book Festival platform … put on a” plate ” as he says … So what did they say about him and about her?”.