At the protests in Sudan Health economic and psychological risks

At the protests in Sudan. Health, economic and psychological risks
Citizens and traders: we want a solution
Specialist: it leads to death and blindness and affects the cornea and lens Doctor: we advise owners of respiratory diseases to stay at home Student: we despair of the coming of the day when these demonstrations will end Employee: the topic has become touching in all respects Trader: we have become the pinnacle of suffering in all respects Khartoum: a sign from Allah The demonstrations in the Sudanese streets between the youth of the revolution, the police and the security have extended for a long time and have not stopped since October 25, 2021 until now.they have been concentrated in the main streets of the capital, the large markets crowded with residents and passers-by, and in most of the neighborhoods of Bahri and Barri until the Exhibition Street in Barri was named as the street of the Bemban, and the Bemban tongues had a great impact on individuals and traders in the markets in economic, health and psychological terms because of the clashes that occur between demonstrators and police and security forces, and the resulting firing of tear bombs (Bemban). The Sudanese street has expressed its great alarm at these demonstrations, where residents say that tear gas bombs have severely damaged them and tell sad stories about deaths caused by bombs. Pampane Street A resident of the Bari neighborhood says that one of the most annoying things during the demonstrations is the firing of bambans on the streets, to the extent that there are streets that have become called (Bamban Street), where most of the people have become passers-by trying to avoid these streets, but some are forced to pass through them on a daily basis, which causes them great health problems because of the tear material bambans, which affects the respiratory system . Respiratory patients Dr. Abeer Abdel Wahed, a Senior Internal Medicine Specialist for (Al –sayha), says: the most health-fatigued categories of bambans are respiratory patients, especially patients with crisis and chest allergies, they are exposed to bouts of shortness of breath, and in this case they need several sessions of oxygen and phentoluene (bronchodilator), and we, as doctors, advise owners of chronic respiratory diseases to stay at home and not to go out on the days of demonstrations, but certainly some cannot because of the working and study conditions, and in this case we advise to take caution and prepare well in case of exposure to gas (in case of exposure to gas) (in case of gas exposure) (in case of gas exposure) (in case of gas exposure) (in case of gas exposure) (in case of gas exposure) (in case of gas exposure) (in case of gas exposure) (in case of gas exposure) (in case of gas exposure) (in case of gas exposure) (in case of gas exposure) (in case of gas exposure) (in case of gas exposure) (in case of gas exposure) (in case of gas exposure) Bemban), on the other hand is affected-also- Ordinary individuals who do not have respiratory diseases with pimpan, as it causes shortness of breath, coughing, runny tears and redness, and its effect can worsen even more, as it affects the cornea and lens, causes blurry vision and affects the nerves of the eye, and can lead to temporary blindness, and for people who are exposed to it for a long time and in close proximity, it leads to complete blindness (permanent) and eye bleeding, pimpan also affects the skin, causing skin sensitivity and redness, and may cause skin rashes for individuals exposed to it continuously. Mined streets As citizen manahel, a university student, tells (Al-Siha): I am a university student and I have to pass several streets filled with bombs every day, and frankly we, as students and passers-by, want a solution to this issue, bombs caused me health problems that did not exist for me and eye burning and coughing became inherent to me and I went to the hospital more than I went to the university, I reached the stage that I go the competent authority in this matter should look into this issue and find a solution because we despair of the coming of the day when these events will end Additional exchange Mohammed, a government employee, also tells Al-sayha: the demonstrations have become the main character of the country, there is only one day when there is a demonstration and a clash between the police and the people, and these clashes affect us a lot as a people when tear gas is fired (bimbans) and I, as an employee and I have children who go to universities, including a crisis patient, there is a daily discharge to treat the effects of gas when I or one of my children is affected, especially my daughter, who we often have to take to the hospital for oxygen sessions, the subject has become influential in all respects and we want a radical solution to this issue . The Sudanese citizen may have been greatly affected by the daily demonstrations, but the biggest impact was for the merchant who is forced to close his shop every day, which affected him economically, psychologically and health significantly, and in this context, he spoke to Yusuf al-Taher, a perfume and shoe dealer at Bahri market, saying: Everyone knows that these demonstrations between the youth of the revolution, the police and the security have extended for a long time and have not stopped since October 25, until these days in Khartoum Bahri, especially the area extending from the square (Aqrab) to the Central Station and the street leading to the vegetable market, what is known as Academy Street, and the area around Bahri police station (presidency), and these demonstrations have had a great impact on the merchants of that area and the residents of the khatmiya neighborhood west of waldnakla, police, because the substance used in the Bemban is an active chemical that has affected health As for the psychological impact, these demonstrations have become daily except Friday, forcing many traders to close their shops and not to practice buying and selling, it is known that these traders have obligations from rents, taxes, licenses, revenues, family and social expenses, and traders have become helpless in front of their families from education, health and expenses, and many residents of the region, especially danakla South, resorted to in the case of debts accumulated on it from wholesalers. Sulaiman Mohammed, one of the traders in Bahri Souk, also spoke to (Al-Siha), saying: the demonstrations affected us a lot as traders in this area.from a health point of view, I am one of the people who caused me breathing problems, sore eyes, itching and redness, and this thing has become fixed and we don’t know what will happen in the future, but economically, the traders have lost a lot, some have lost their location, some have become rent demands, and for the sellers (fresh) next to the Bahri Souk stand, their trade has been affected a lot, and even the residents who also live in this area have been severely affected by their health, and so much so that this street became known as the street of demonstrations. Suffering And he says-too- Ali Abu Al-Qasim, a merchant in the maritime market of (Al-sayha): We are not against demonstrating and anyone has the right to demonstrate if it is in a peaceful and orderly way, we are here now because of the random demonstrations, the peak of suffering in all respects economically, health and even psychologically, we have become very frustrated because we have no alternative but to do this, and if there was an alternative to leave trade because of the the hospital does not take into account the sanctity of the hospital and the sanctity of patients, even individuals when passing this street are very conservative, and the biggest problem is that Demonstrations have become all days of the week, not the same as it was in the days of the millionaires, at that time we were doing our precaution and not opening our stores that day, but now the conditions have become very bad and every day in the same Whirlpool, and then he continued saying: every day a new kind of pumpkins and demonstrators throw stones at US, and demonstrations have no particular time and we became surprised by them, and sometimes at late times when the merchant does not expect a demonstration to happen, so we are surprised by demonstrations and clashes so that we do not find an opportunity to close the shop, and I remember one day my shop came towards me (a whole brick) and almost hit my head, if not for God’s mercy on me .