The Sudanese initiative for Human Rights: the arrest of a member of the teachers

committee by a force linked to military intelligence in Port Sudan We strongly condemn the arrest of Mr. Sami al-Baqer, a prominent member of the teachers ‘ Committee, who was detained by forces linked to military intelligence in the city of Port Sudan. Professor Sami has consistently insisted on calling on the government to implement its commitment to pay teachers ‘ salaries. We are concerned that these teachers have not received their salaries for about six months during this conflict. The situation worsened when many of them, including Mr. Sami, were forced to leave their homes in Khartoum, without receiving any support or compensation so far. The arrest of Mr. Sami is a violation of the principles of justice, human rights and legitimate trade union demands. This action indicates a growing disregard for the rights of individuals, especially in light of the ongoing war in Sudan since last April. We are deeply concerned about the safety and health of professor Sami, especially in light of the mysterious circumstances surrounding his arrest. The history of arrests and torture in Sudan brings to mind our fears for his safety. We strongly urge the authorities to immediately release professor Sami and all those who have been unjustly detained. We demand to ensure his safety and protect him from any risks he may face. We call on the government to adhere to international standards regarding human rights and trade union activities and to ensure fair treatment of all citizens. We demand the freedom of professor Sami and justice for all affected teachers.

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