The Arabs of London: the proof does not hold the reins of things

And puts obstacles in front of his call to negotiate The commander of the Sudanese army, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, expressed his readiness to negotiate with the commander of the Rapid Support Forces, Mohammed Hamdan Daglo (hemedti), and set conditions for this readiness to question the credibility of this claim, especially after hemedti’s initiative for a ceasefire. Al-Burhan’s announcement came for the first time five months after the armed conflict in Sudan, and after his speech to the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York, he said in an interview with the BBC, “B.P.SI published it on Saturday, he is “confident “of victory over the Rapid Support forces. Burhan’s statements seem to contradict the actual situation on the ground, as he expressed confidence in the victory and explained that he had to move his headquarters to Port Sudan, because the fighting in the Sudanese capital Khartoum made it impossible for the government to continue. This speech makes it clear that Al-Burhan actually does not hold the reins and loses control over the areas he controls, and that “confidence in victory” is only an attempt to support his negotiating position. He also throws the ball at the Rapid Support commander on the issue of protecting civilians, when he is already accused of killing and intimidating civilians and of numerous crimes, according to UN reports. Despite reports by the United Nations and other charities that there was evidence of his forces launching indiscriminate airstrikes on residential areas, Burhan denied that his forces were targeting civilians. Last May, Saudi Arabia and the United States began sponsoring talks between the army and the Rapid Support Forces, which resulted in an agreement between the two sides to protect civilians, in addition to more than one truce that was violated and the two sides exchanged accusations of responsibility, prompting Riyadh and Washington to suspend negotiations. “If the leadership of these rebel forces (meaning Rapid Support) wants to come to their senses and withdraw their forces from residential areas and return to their barracks, we will sit down with any of them, especially if they adhere to what was agreed in Jeddah, we will sit down to solve this problem,”Burhan added. Asked about the possibility of Sudan becoming” a failed state like Somalia or divided like Libya, “he replied that ” Sudan will remain united. Sudan will remain a healthy state, not a failed state. We don’t want what happened in the other countries I mentioned. The Sudanese people are now united behind one cause, ending this rebellion peacefully or by fighting,”he said. Al-Burhan’s statements come in an attempt to show a flexible position after he was embarrassed by Hemeti’s constructive call to end the fighting, unify the army and protect the Constitution. The commander of the Rapid Support forces in Sudan confirmed in a recorded speech to the UN General Assembly last Thursday that his forces are fully ready for a ceasefire and to enter into comprehensive political talks to end the conflict with the army. He called for the establishment of a new Sudanese army “to build a professional military institution that distances itself from politics and protects the Constitution and the democratic system,” he said. He explained that the war caused “unprecedented” destruction in Sudan, especially Khartoum, and caused a humanitarian crisis in Darfur, pointing out that his team was “sincerely involved” in the negotiations hosted by Saudi Arabia in Jeddah, and put forward a vision to stop the war. Al-Burhan’s statements drew attention more than once, because of their contradiction with what is happening on the ground, as many sources confirmed that Al-Burhan’s regional tour was aimed at mobilizing political and military support, but he said Friday that he did not request military support during a recent regional tour and that he prefers to reach a peaceful solution to the conflict that has claimed thousands of lives and caused the displacement of millions of civilians. During an interview with Reuters, al-Burhan explained that he asked neighboring countries to stop sending mercenaries to support the Rapid Support forces. Burhan has made a series of foreign visits in recent weeks after staying in Sudan during the early months of the war as fighting escalated. He added that the purpose of the visits was to seek solutions, not military support, but asked other countries to stop external support that confirms that the Rapid Support forces are receiving. “We have asked our neighbors to help us monitor the borders to stop the flow of mercenaries, and there are many foreign fighters in these forces who came from all neighboring countries and will be a danger to the Sudanese state and the countries of the region in the future,”Burhan said. Witnesses say that the army’s bombardments caused civilian casualties, other large-scale violations, as well as participation in ethnically targeted attacks in Darfur. Arabs

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