Without panic

Abdelhafid merioud United Nations, so and else Year 2009 , I accompanied the vice president of the Republic, Mr. Ali Osman Mohammed Taha, to cover his speech to the UN General Assembly, and side meetings – as usual – to open “new paths”, and the country is on the verge of a referendum on unity or secession.One of the interesting conversations you can have is the one that will bring you together with Ambassador Khaled Moussa dafallah. He was about to become an ambassador, as I recall.The phrase of Khaled Moussa, the full-fat Ambassador now, that still sticks in my mind ( the Dell brothers have a strange way of thinking.They thought that if they were to solve all their problems with the international community, they would sort out relations with the Americans.The way the American System Works has nothing to do with their perceptions).Khaled was then on the staff of the embassy in Washington.The Washington staff joins, or some of them help, as my imagination has depicted for me about diplomatic work.The key persons accompanying the deputy were: Mustafa Osman Ismail, Tijani Saleh Fadil, Yahya Hussein.And ordinary people were : Deng Alor, the then” foreign minister”, Bona Malwal, who joined the delegation from Oxford, where he teaches, and journalists, of course : Khader Al-faham, Saifuddin Bashir, Hassan Sati, my weak person, and Hatem Hassan Bakhit, the brother of journalist Kamal Hassan Bakhit, who was then in charge of media in the cabinet, before he succeeded Lieutenant General Taha Hussein, the director of President Bashir’s offices, and before he was dismissed, too, in the wake of loud scandals. Chef how?: Ali Osman Mohamed Taha’s speech to the UN General Assembly, resembles ordinary speeches. Ghandour, Ali Karti, Mustafa Osman himself, or Dardari Mohamed Ahmed, who was not congratulated on the post of foreign minister, could be presented by Ghandour, Ali Karti, or the great poet Rawda Al-Haj, who were obsessed ministers, with their prime minister Mohamed Taher Ella.It was a caustic Sudanese speech.The Sudanese Kuz speech is based on the Atlas.It is the firm belief of our cobs brothers that they – due to their excessive intelligence-will sell the sea to everyone, while at the same time the sea is their monopoly, in which they behave as they please. Chef I was waiting – with impatience-for the date of the interview of the deputy US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, or ” Conde,” as our professor, Professor Abdul Latif al-Buni likes to call her, showing a Bedouin passion for her. And the advice I personally am broken in, then that. Important. The date has come. Ali Osman was accompanied by: Ambassador Abdul Mahmoud, Tijani Fadil, and Mustafa Osman.Foreign minister Deng Alor was absent from most of the meetings.And if we try to reason about it-as a TV – “Ask Mustafa Osman or Tajani Fadil,” he would tell us.The meeting took place at a hotel in Manhattan, used by, or affiliated with, the U.S. State Department.We went.They searched us, like any people from the public, we entered.Conde is as tall as a palm in the land of sense.The meeting did not exceed a third of an hour.She was talking at a quarter of an hour from him.Strict, “Toror” for Naughty pupils in front of her.Her conversation focused on the situation in Darfur, and how the government did not make an effort to fulfill what was asked of it.To improve the situation.Bandit of hope: without change on the ground in Darfur, things will remain the same.Then she stood up, towering, like a palm in the land of sense.Or as a sensory, actually. All right. The biggest diplomatic victory for the kizans, as they are waging a “battle of dignity”, against the rapid support, to which their journalists are singing songs, is the departure of the first proof pillar to New York, and addressed the UN General Assembly.There is a key complex that President Bashir was incapable of this, and of international engagements in which America and Europe are monopolists.A psychological compensation happened that a new general, following him, and praising him, began to address the General Assembly (by the way, the proof addressed the UN General Assembly ٣ times since the fall of al-Bashir). It is a pity that they are used to being led by a “general” in the army, instead of being led by Hassan Turabi.And that’s since the separation ١٩٩٩ um, when they followed Pharaoh’s command, it became necessary for Pharaoh to lead them, as happened to the Egyptians. The two great things about the proof letter are : The need for the international community to classify rapid support as a terrorist organization.Oh, God.The Islamic Movement, which has filled the world with a leader, by its disbelief in the unjust international society and politicized international law, stumbles to accept the designation of a terrorist organization for Rapid Support.Where did the literature that was sung when Hamas was designated a terrorist organization go But where are the Great Books on terrorism, was Sudan classified in the list of state sponsors of terrorism Where is the philosophical and original perspective in the “concept of terrorism” itself, which the countries of “arrogance” take as a disobedience to punish peoples and nations aspiring to liberation and”self-realization?” It’s time to change the shirt.He adopted the concepts and laws of the West “legitimately”. Al-Kaizan also pushed Sultan Saad bahreddin, the Sultan of Dar Masalit, who is on the verge of the grave, to make statements to the International Criminal Court, accusing the rapid support of committing mass genocide of masalits.Until yesterday, the criminal blasphemy was evident in the literature of the cobs.”Sudan has not signed, it is not binding.And Ocampo is under my boot, ” except from what it seemed.International law and Western concepts are not appropriate to apply to us, is it appropriate for others And Saad bahreddine knows that the quick support did nothing.The security apparatus and the army in El Geneina tricked him and the masalites into expelling the Arabs as “new settlers”, so the Arabs expelled the masalites and their sultan from El Geneina for good.Even after the Sultan’s visit to El Geneina. The second thing is that you – the international community – according to the letter of proof – if you do not help me to eliminate the quick support, which I will not negotiate, and I will not stop the war against it, it will wreak havoc in the region, by transferring it to destabilization and instability, because it receives regional support and fighters, and I do not receive. This is the majestic diplomatic victory of the khizans and their ousted general Chef how?: There will-of course-be closed-door meetings, such as Conde’s meeting with Sheikh Ali, who holds the baton of Moses, as he descends New York.There will be a funny ” Roura,” for Mr. Burhan, which will not be brought to the media. I liked the single “warrah” when Ambassador Abdullah Azraq used it in his last article.Although I was worried that Dardari Mohammed Ahmed, the last foreign minister of the rescue, classifies it as a West African single, from the “Arab diaspora”, and has nothing to do with the Sudanese conscience, such as the anthem”shh ya Kenar”.The proof of this is that our neighbor on the paphnousa railway named Saleh, was nicknamed “wwarar”, he is from cohabitation, West Africans. Chef Important: I had been warned of the dangers of the sixth month of the war. The war at this stage, Your Excellency, the cozzan journalists, is for the proof to go to negotiations.Without further humiliation of the army and the hypocritical battalions of the innocent and Muslim.Or if the New York trip tempts him, he goes into the sixth month.Because the battles on the ground he will not win, even if he comes with Forty-Mile martyrs. In the seventh month, a newly graduated Mujahideen battalion will join in Marawi, I read the news.And that’s another thing, you know.