River Nile state commends Qatar Charity for providing (1200)
food baskets to host families and displaced people due to the fighting in Khartoum

Qatar Charity announced the provision of a new package of food assistance to those affected by the war in Khartoum who were displaced to the Nile River State. Qatar Charity’s field teams continued today to provide (1200) food baskets to (6000) expatriates, host families and shelter centers in Al Damer locality. The center of Sheikha Aisha bint Hamad Al-Attiyah city, established by Qatar Charity for orphans and their families in the Nile River State, witnessed the launch of the distribution of food aid in the presence of the minister of social development in the state Tahani Mirghani and the executive director of Al Damer Othman Mohammed Othman. Minister Tahani said that they have started providing food rations to about 450 families in Rafqa village, established by Qatar Charity, and pointed out that the organization’s efforts continue to support shelter centers as well as host neighborhoods for a number of families in Al-Damer locality. She expressed her thanks for the continuous support of the state of Qatar and Qatar Charity for development and humanitarian projects in the state. The executive director of Al Damer Osman Mohammed Osman expressed his appreciation for the food assistance provided by Qatar Charity, and pointed out that the need is still great in the fields of food and medicine in light of the increasing numbers of arrivals from Khartoum on a regular daily basis. For his part, engineer Omar Abdulaziz, the director-in-charge of the Qatar Charity Office in Sudan, said that their intervention today to provide the necessary food assistance to host families, expatriates and shelter centers in the Nile River State comes as a continuation and completion of a series of interventions initiated by Qatar Charity since the first days of the outbreak of the war in Khartoum, where it has established an air bridge to provide urgent food and medical assistance.a number of necessary projects have been implemented for those affected by the fighting in Khartoum and the island and stuck in the shelter centers in the Red Sea and northern states. He stressed that Qatar Charity will continue its relief efforts to support the war-affected people who have been displaced to various states of the country, pointing out their intention to implement several water and sanitation projects, mobile clinics and central kitchens for the displaced and war-affected within the next few period.